With Veryx SAMTEST, customer service turn-up testing is completed in hours rather than in weeks. Learn from the experience of one US-based telco service provider.
SAMTEST – An automated benchmarking and test tool for networks
Telcos and network service providers are under pressure reduce costs and offer faster service fulfilment for customers, even as they introduce new technologies and product offerings They face competition from nimbler players who differentiate themselves often by offering lower costs and quicker fulfilment.
Customer service turn-up times can run into un-expected issues during the testing phase. Added to this some problems may require more expertise, especially when it comes to testing and benchmarking for newer requirements such as MEF, resulting in expensive truck rolls.
“A large percentage of service turn-up failures occurred after provisioning. Moreover, it was time consuming to trouble-shoot and resolve failures using manual processes.”
SAMTEST is an award winning, one-stop solution for network service testing that gives telcos, carriers and enterprises tremendous savings in time and operational expenses.
SAMTEST automated test library support industry standard benchmarking and conformance testing for use in business networks, mobile backhaul, data-center and cloud interconnects etc.
Learn more about how SAMTEST can help your organization perform automated testing and benchmarking for networks. Explore how SAMTEST is deployed as a solution for telco testing.