SD WAN, Carrier Ethernet and IP Network Testing


SAMTEST – Network Testing

SAMTEST is an award winning, one-stop solution for service testing from Layer 2 through Layer 7, all in a single platform. SAMTEST saves telcos tremendous savings in time and operational expenses.

SAMTEST is also easy to deploy and test for Enterprise WAN testing.

Network Testing

Network Testing Case Studies

Telco Lab Testing
Telco Lab Testing

Learn how a Tier-1 telco was able to use SAMTEST for automating testing for conformance in their lab during service design testing.

Telco Service Turn-up
Telco Service Turn-up

Learn how a North American carrier was able to improve customer experience by significantly reducing service turn-up time.

Enterprise WAN Testing
Enterprise WAN Testing

Learn how an enterprise is putting SAMTEST to use to trouble-shoot its Cloud-interconnects.

SAMTEST has been highly appreciated by customers for saving cost and time.

Customer Satisfaction

“I upgraded JunOS on several Juniper Switches. I want to know that changes to COS, protocol tunneling, etc. are not affecting my customer services. Veryx SAMTEST was able to tell me if it sees any issues and gives clear error messages to what the issue is. .. One of the most comprehensive and simplest pieces of software that I have used in a long time. Very simple and intuitive.”

— Wayne Johnston, Axia, Canada

“SAMTEST’s built-in automation reduces the time it takes to provision and turn-up our services, greatly improves Integra’s customers’ experience. The inclusion of this application in our process further advances our leading position in Carrier Ethernet Services.”

—Michael Sharpe, COO, Integra

“SAMTEST is a highly reliable CE 2.0 testing solution that has accelerated validation of new Ethernet services for Time Warner Cable. Manual testing efforts have been significantly reduced with SAMTEST automation, and the errors associated with having engineers execute detailed and repetitive test cases have been eliminated. In addition, the SAMTEST user interface simplifies and speeds up testing compared to other tools we have used in the past.”

–Lance Hassan, Director of Network Services and Automation, Time Warner Cable

Network Testing Use Cases

MEF Compliance
MEF Compliance

SAMTEST can be used for quick automated compliance testing in preparation for certification and before undertaking network software upgrades

 Mobile Backhaul Testing
Mobile Backhaul Testing
SAMTEST can be used to easily perform service activation testing when rolling out mobile networks
SAMTEST can be used to test and easily diagnose using RFC 2544 or ITU-1564 tests.


If your requirement is for testing individual devices and equipment, please visit Veryx ATTEST pages. 

SAMTEST Benefits

Quick Automated Testing
Quick Automated Testing
Complete testing quickly with ready-made automated test libraries
Reduce Capex
Reduce Capex
With virtual and COTS based probes
Quick ROI
Quick ROI
In 3 months with up to 80% time to market saving

SAMTEST Industry Recognition

SAMTEST Industry Recognition

SAMTEST received The Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Award for Global Carrier Ethernet Testing Customer Value Leadership.

SAMTEST Industry Recognition


Ready to Get Started?


SAMTEST Product Detailed Information
Datasheet: SAMTEST Testing & Diagnostics
Catalog: SAMTEST Testing & Diagnostics
Veryx Intel Joint Solution Brief

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