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Cloudmon Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM)

For business which are spread geographically and having a large workforce working from remote locations, ensuring a seamless digital experience regardless of location and environment becomes mandatory.

IT teams find it challenging to ensure that users are experiencing satisfactory application performance, especially for remote users who access the applications from diverse environments – whether from home, hotels or branch offices.

Cloudmon Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM)

For business which are spread geographically and having a large workforce working from remote locations, ensuring a seamless digital experience regardless of location and environment becomes mandatory.

IT teams find it challenging to ensure that users are experiencing satisfactory application performance, especially for remote users who access the applications from diverse environments – whether from home, hotels or branch offices.

Added to that, post Covid-19, new challenges have emerged:


Majority of the work-from-home (WFH) workforce access enterprise IT infrastructure remotely – either through virtual private networks (VPNs) or other zero trust network technologies, over less reliable WiFi and internet links

web-based video conferencing

Dramatic increase in dependence of web-based video conferencing for teams implies that unless virtual meeting experiences are on par with that of physical, productivity will ultimately be hampered


Gartner predicts that by 2026, at least 60% of I&O leaders will use DEM to measure application, services and endpoint performance from the user’s viewpoint, up from less than 20% in 2021.


With Cloudmon,  IT teams can evolve their digital experience monitoring (DEM) to measure real-world business impact with network and application KPIs such as latency, loss, jitter, application response time, DNS and TCP metrics based on synthetic monitoring. What’s more, IT teams can drastically improve their digital employee experience (DEX) – resulting from improved experience in using the company’s digital workplace.

Cloudmon Digital Experience Monitoring Case Studies


Learn how this software company improved user experiences with better visibility

Healthcare Services

Learn how this healthcare services company ensures user application experience

Financial Services

Learn how this financial services company improved application performance experienced at branch sites

Cloudmon Digital Experience Monitoring Use Cases

End user digital experience monitoring
End user digital experience monitoring

Proactively monitor your remote workforce digital experience when using applications.

Remote user technical support
Remote user technical support

Trouble-shoot remote user connectivity and performance problems 

Branch level experience monitoring
Branch level experience monitoring

Proactively monitor the digital experience across all the company’s branch locations 


Meet and exceed Experience Level Agreements (XLAs)

XLAs are key performance indicators (KPIs) which focus on performance in outcome and value terms for end users, whereas SLAs usually focus on operations and outputs.

Key Benefits of Cloudmon DEM

  1. Know your user traffic – Gain in-depth visibility from the end user all the way to the edge / application
  2. ​Improve user experience – Know and prevent potential bottlenecks early before users complain
  3. Flexibility & control – Licensed in pay-you-go model without long term contracts and hidden fees. Available both for Cloud and on-premise.
Cloudmon NTM DEM

Why Cloudmon DEM?


Gain in-depth visibility about the end user all the way to the application

Identify potential bottlenecks early to take pro-active remedial actions against performance degradation.
Contextually drill into domain-specific details and drastically improve resolution time for network performance issues.

Recommended Companion Products

Cloudmon ITIM
Monitor health and performance of your IT Infrastructure:

  • Servers (Physical/virtual/Cloud)
  • Network devices
  • IP endpoints
  • User hosts
Cloudmon NTM
Monitor network traffic flows to analyze:

  • Users
  • Performance
  • Applications

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